Special Characteristic Rules
A special characteristic is pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing being typical or distinctive. These range from distinguished features to contributing attributes. Within the realm of Avatar RPG the special characteristic is a way to show unique qualities. The abilities of these special characteristics can range from mundane qualities to unique enhancements that takes years to perfect.
When creating your character, automatically, varying on what nation you were born in, you get two free Special Characteristics without affecting your total count. The total count for characters tends to be in the range of 4-6 characteristics. Please be reasonable though when creating these. Do not make them all over powered and be understanding when making them. The Mod or Admin checking you application will check these, and if they are too over powered, you will be asked to delete, or weaken the Special Characteristic. After your character is created, you may create new SC's for your character, but you cannot go over 6 in total.